René Cortínez S.J. publica en libro de U. Complutense de Madrid

libro-iclrs-2015El profesor de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, René Cortinez S.J. publicó en el libro Religion and the Secular State: National Reports, de Javier Martínez-Torrón & W. Cole Durham, Jr. (eds.), Servicio de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain), 2015, 898 pages, ISBN 978-8484811626.

Junto a Ana María Celis y María Elena Pimstein, el profesor Cortínez compartió la autoría del capítulo «Derecho y Religión en el Estado No Confesional en Chile» (pp. 192.217).

A continuación, la referencia de la publicación (inglés):

This book contains national reports on the topic “Religion and the Secular State” from 58 reporters representing 43 countries, plus a general report written by Professors Javier Martínez-Torrón and W. Cole Durham, Jr. The reports, originally prepared for the 18th World Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, were published in Interim form in 2010. This final volume, with updated and sometimes extensively modified reports, was prepared to coincide with the 19th Congress in Vienna in July 2014. The topic “Religion and the Secular State”, if construed too broadly, could conceivably cover virtually every subject relating to law and religion. For that reason, the general reporters asked the national reporters to focus on a number of recurring tension points in the relationship of religion and the state: (1) the general social context; (2) the constitutional and legal setting; (3) religious autonomy (and autonomy of the state from religion); (4) legal regulation of religion as a social phenomenon; (5) state financial support for religion; (6) civil effects of religious acts; (7) religion and education; (8) religious symbols in public places; and (9) tensions involving freedom of expression and offenses against religion. Keeping in mind the variety of national circumstances, the aim has been to obtain a picture of the solutions provided by different countries to basically the same overarching problem: how the secular state deals with religion or belief in a way that preserves the reciprocal autonomy of state and religious structures and guarantees the human right to freedom of religion and belief.

This volume has been published by the Publishing Service of Complutense University Law School, thanks to the contribution of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies of Brigham Young University. Orders can be sent directly via e-mail to: